Brian Jacks MasterClass

Brian Jacks is Coming to Town

Brian Jacks

The Brian Jacks Master Class

Brain Jacks Will is Visiting Rugby This Coming Thursday 28th June 2018, Holding a Master Class at Ju Jitsu Rugby.

Brian is a judo 10th Dan, jujitsu 6th Dan and karate 2nd Dan.

He is best known for judo and he represented Great Britain over 300 times during a glittering career that saw him compete in 3 Olympic Games and 1 Pre Olympics. He won a bronze medal in the Munich 1972 Olympics and bronze in the Salt Lakes City World Championships in 1967. He also captained and managed the British Team.

Towards the end of his competitive career the BBC invited Brian to appear in their Superstars programme and he won the British and European title two years running. His performances were stunning and captured the attention of the British public. 

Many people started judo because of Brian and this changed the direction of their lives. Quite a few of these people moved on to other martial arts but they always remember that Brian Jacks started them on their martial arts path.

The Class Format Will Be1st Hour on the mat with juniors followed by 30 minutes Q/A, pictures and autographs etc. The seniors will follow this with exactly the same foremat.

After the class Brian is normally ready for a Chinese, Indian or Thai meal and everyone is welcome to join.
Kids Class - Starts 6:00pm (Cost £7.50)
Adult Class - Starts 7:30pm (Cost £15)
Non Members Welcome


We held a masterclass with sensei Brian Jack's
we had martial artists from an array of disciplines Karate, kickboxing, judo, jujitsu, sambo, ranging from 7th dans in judo, 5th dans in karate and jujitsu and 4th Dan Kickboxing, Brian's teaching style meant that every person there went away with with lots the practice and think about. Brian was fantastic on the day and really approachable and happy to impart alot of knowledge help and support. We would certainly bring Brian back to our club. We have had many very senior instructors come honour dojo over the past 50 years but I must say Brian was one of the best...

Ian McCavish wirral shotokan club secretary..

I would like to thank Sensei Brian Jacks for the seminar he delivered at Blatches Farm Dojo, Dunmow, Essex.
I have organised seminars for my organisation Jiu-Jitsu IBF for the last 10 years.
We have high grades from all over Europe in various styles and arts including Olympians and heads of organisations come here to deliver Training seminars.
I have followed Sensei Brian Jacks career from a young boy and relished the chance to get him at my Dojo for a seminar.
His experience, expertise and technical knowledge is second to none.
I had students from the IBF in Germany, Denmark and from all over the U.K. attend this event.
These were students and Dan grades from Judo, Jiu-Jitsu and Aikido. Of which Sensei Brian Jacks has all got grades in and knowledge of.
Many people contacted me after the Course just to say thank you for such a marvellous event and could I organise it again for next year.
In my own personal opinion I believe this was the best seminar I have ever organised and after 49 years of being a student and 39 years as a Dan grade. I would encourage anyone to attend or organise their own seminar with Sensei Brian Jacks truly the 'Mindset of a champion'.
Kind Regards.
Sensei Tom Starling.
President Jiu-Jitsu IBF(UK)
7th Dan Jiu-Jitsu.
3rd Dan Kobudo.
1st Dan Judo.

28th June 2018
Limited Spaces - Book Now!
Brian jacks

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