I hope all is well with you. We're only a week in but undoubtedly you've had your own challenges to this new life we're having to endure right now. It's impossible to know if we are going to be on this lockdown for 3,6 or even 12 weeks or more. Who knows? but it feels like we'll need to prepare for the long haul just in case. I want to do whatever I can to ensure the club survives through this.
Time is going to pass anyway
and it's real important we fill our time well, at the end of this experience, we want to ensure there are no regrets, wishing we'd spent our time better.
We all have an opportunity here to do something very special during this testing time.
As there are obviously no classes for the next few weeks or even months, I have created an online Membership Portal, where you'll be able to access information for The Little Samurai and Junior Modules.
I'd actually been working on this site for the last 2 years, it's taken an incredible amount of time, money and effort in bringing it all together. I'm working twice as hard as normal in keeping our classes going.
I'm also going to be running an online class that anyone with a computer will be able to join.
These classes will be a mixture of pre-recorded and 'live'.
I've had parents ask what's happening with classes and fees. Well, if you want to be a part of this online program, you will gain access to all the information you need to practice at home. Videos, photos and written content, guiding you through the process every step of the way. I'll also be available to answer any questions you have.
We will also carry out Gradings online
so Belts and Certificates will still be awarded for your efforts in the Little Samurai and Junior Programs.
By practicing just 10 minutes per day
(you can do more of course) you will see some outstanding results. I know from experience, the students who excel, are the ones who practice at home. Having all the information you require at your finger tips is a huge bonus.
I Know You Can Do This!
All the information is easy to follow. The Safety Awareness and Personal Values are all worded in a simple and understandable way, the Martial Arts techniques are easy to learn and understand too, consisting only of gross motor skills which are simple body movements virtually all people are capable of performing. Who better to teach your kids such important information than you!
As far as fees go, you will just continue making your monthly payments.
I really hope you will be a part of the program. This program has been a part of me for many years now and it means a great deal to see you succeed with it. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
If you would like to be a part of the online program or would like more information, Fill out the very short form below with your details.