Happy New Year!
I wasn't going to send this message
but it's becoming very serious and I think you need to know the real truth of it.
I realise after Christmas, finances are tight for many of us and a big Thankyou
to those who pay regularly & by standing order, it is much appreciated. However, I need to address the knock-on effect caused by those who do not meet regular payments. As I'm sure you can imagine, It's a much bigger problem around the Christmas period too.
Although this does not concern everyone
and I am very grateful to those who support the club, I am sending it to you all, simply to make you more aware of the situation.
You may see many students on the mat
and draw the conclusion this is a profitable business. Many of the new members you see are often enjoying a free trial period, free uniforms, free gradings for kids etc - a very necessary part of attracting new members. The truth is, although it looks great on paper, there are still a large number of members who pay late or not at all without even talking to me and this is a problem. On top of that, there are all the monthly business expenses to pay.
As I mentioned a few months ago, I gave up my career to concentrate on growing the club. I work really hard during the day and behind the scenes, already inputting more hours than I ever did in a regular job, only to inch my way forward. The club is growing steadily but not without an extreme amount of effort. Running the classes is just a small part of it.
As this is my only source of income, the many late payments and non payments have a critical effect on my own financial situation and in turn leaving my basic personal bills left unpaid. This is my biggest concern.
We intend to introduce an invoicing system
over the next few weeks, which will allow you and I to see payment status, eliminating any doubts.
If you do have fees outstanding, up-to and including December, it would be most appreciated if you would bring them up-to-date ASAP so we can start this new year with a clean sheet. Again, this is not caused by everyone but I really do need to make you aware. It makes it really hard but fortunately, I am so passionate about teaching our system of Ju Jitsu, it's really what keeps me going.
I'm sure you can appreciate, this deficit cannot be allowed to continue. If you have problems in making payment, please speak to me personally and we can discuss options. For example, we have recently started a referral system where you introduce new members and this reduces your fees. A few referrals can eliminate your fees altogether. It's a fair trade for additional efforts and a good solution for many. Please let me know if you would like to know more or go here for more details:
We have a really good club with great students and members, all contributing towards a club with great potential. We are waiting to implement some great ideas but need your input in order to move forward. Paying fees on-time is an important part of that but there are many ways you can help. Comments, shares and likes on Facebook for example are Gold yet simple, effective and FREE! Handing out flyers and business cards to other parents/kids at school is another good way you can help. Articles in School Newsletters are great too. Contacting sponsors for new mats and equipment would be a big help too.
Please do not hesitate to contact me
with any questions or concerns.
It's Our club, Let's really stick together and make this work. I wish you all the best for the new year.
Best regards
Sensei Malcolm
PS - Outstanding fees or new standing orders can be paid direct to:
Barclays Bank
Ju Jitsu Rugby
Sort code 20 73 48
Account # 43724360